Sunday, March 22, 2020

Anaysis Of Turkey Essays - Kurdistan Independence Movement

Anaysis Of Turkey Analysis of Turkey 1999 Political Stability: (4)***(3) Probably the most unpredictable facet of Turkey at this time. It remains to be seen if the instability will level out and stabilize. A recent election has brought a new president to power Suleyman Demirel. Consequently, the next few months are likely to prove beneficial for political critics in Ankara as well as elsewhere but perhaps less so for those who have been waiting patiently for a strong and decisive government to tackle Turkey's many pending problems. The country of Turkey has a population where more than One-Half of the people are under the age of 35, the consensus is too bring a leader with new ideals and sense of urgency. Public Policy: (2)***(2) Turkey will continue to be conscience of how they are perceived by NATO and the EU. Turkey has gone through a series of events to make foreign direct investment more opportunistic. Since the 1980's policy makers have looked to the Middle East for regional integration. It seems that Turkey want's to become more active in the international market and that the hindrances to do so are more on the external side of the equation. Turkey has entered NATO, which was a big help; they are trying to enter the European Union. That will be decided in the next few months. Many European countries frown upon the soaring inflation rates and high unemployment. Direct foreign investment averaged only US $70 million from 1980 to 1985, as foreign investors hesitated to put money into the country. Turkey had received debt relief during the early 1980s, but after 1984 most long-term capital came in the form of project credits or adjustment loans arranged by the World Bank. Views of Political leaders on Foreign Direct investment: ( Since 1963, Turkey has been pursuing the aim of developing its relations with the European Union, then the European Economic Community?. Prime Minister Turgut Ozal was working hard to improve Foreign direct investment, during his second stint in office in 1983. The current leaders are not doing as well of a job as they could be. The elections in April may be the better avenue to pursue foreign direct investment. Major strides have been taken to revamp conditions for entry, operations and exit for both national and international business by completely dismantling bureaucratic barriers and streamlining procedures based on a thorough deregulation effort. Turkey offers many advantages to foreign investors, its large domestic market of 57 million people desiring high quality products, a qualified manual and technical labor force with low labor costs and high productivity, developed utility and transportation facilities along with a geographic and economic location close to nearby major ma rkets of the world are only some of the many advantages. , Turkey has been a leader in pursuing trade and economic cooperation with the largest of the New Independent States, the Russian Federation. It has initiated a number of programs of education and training in the Caucasus and Central Asia, aimed at encouraging and assisting those countries in the development of the kind of secular democratic system that has served Turkey so well for most of this century. Major Political Events: (5)***(4) Turks can only hope that things will stabilize, A new leader has been elected recently. Yilmaz came to power in a three-party coalition in July 1997, after the collapse of the previous WP-TPP coalition that had brought Turkey to the brink of a military coup. For most of the year following his surprise elevation to the job of Prime Minister, Yilmaz and the MP had repeatedly claimed that the government would stay in office until 2000. On November 25, the Turkish Grand National Assembly (GNA) voted 314 to 214 in favor of a motion of no confidence against the government over corruption allegations, prompting Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz, the leader of the Motherland Party (MP), to resign. In a separate vote, the GNA voted 315 to 214 for the dismissal of Minister of State Gunes Taner. It is far from clear how the current political crisis will be resolved. Degree of democracy: (4)***(4) The country must look at it's Criminal justice system first as to what role it encompasses. Turkeys domestic and foreign policies have not

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