Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Epic of Gilgamesh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Epic of Gilgamesh - Essay Example Gilgamesh basically describes the reason as to how and why Gilgamesh was thought of as a role model for the coming classic poems of the time. It has brought to the notice the beauty tangents and the power of the relationship that Gilgamesh and Enkidu had between them. Within the Epic of Gilgamesh, the bond which was demonstrated between Gilgamesh and Enkidu is distinctive in its own right. The reason for this is that the two an adversarial relationship with one another. Being a fable of love and that too in its truest form, Gilgamesh is an epic without a shadow of a doubt. It has involved lingering grief which has caused pivotal changes to take place within his character. Gilgamesh is a story of a person who is both respected as well as feared at the same time. He loves and shows hatred; he is one person who lives life to the maximum possible levels. Even though Gilgamesh’s voyage is larger than life, yet somehow or the other it ends up with death. The fate of mankind is expos ed through Gilgamesh and thus the undeniable factor of change gets its manifestation as well. Gilgamesh exhibited true power before the arrival of Enkidu (Kovacs 1989). There was no other human being who had equal match when it came to Gilgamesh himself. He showed his personal liking to glory and power and the best part was that he boasted with regards to the very same. He abused power in addition to showing off his attitude (and arrogance). The city of Uruk went into a state of injustice and people were ferocious all round. However Gilgamesh did not mend his ways and continue to display his wrath and power to all and sundry. It was after the death of Enkidu that Gilgamesh tried his levels best to explore the ways to reach immortality as he attempted to cross the ocean. He wanted to find the same in a pretty dire fashion. He did his best to carve out a life which had immortality written all over it. He continued with his expedition in an out and out fashion. His state of being like this was in essence entirely different from the arrogance that he showed at the starting of the epic itself. Thus he transformed into a scary person more than anything else. Also the slain of Humbaba changed Gilgamesh in entirety (Foster 2005). Since Humbaba was considered evil right from the onset, a number of people who were residents of Uruk started to fear Gilgamesh. Some people would reckon that Gilgamesh himself is a representation of evil but then again there could be debates in the wake of such a proposition. The fact that he used to have sex with the virgins, going about doing things on his and offending the gods at his own free will is a manifestation of what his personality was in essence. Gilgamesh was able to pen his name as a successful hero. However the price he had to pay for it is something totally different. Much could be written about the very same.  The amount of loss and suffering which was eventually put down on the part of the people, perhaps he could have m ade an effort to turn things around and do something different. As a matter of fact, Gilgamesh and his brother were able to achieve what the rest of the people could not even think of in those times. Gilgamesh and Enkidu were able to capture the world under their feet but the untimely death of Enkidu changed everything. Gilgamesh started to understand that he was just a human

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