Thursday, October 24, 2019

High School Compared with Collge

A good education is an important part of life. To achieve a good education a person must graduate from high school and then college. High school prepares students for college, but each student must define his or herself to succeed in college. The many similarities and differences between high school and college can help and hinder each student in his or her goals to achieve a good education. Some of these similarities and differences between high school and college are the type of students, the difficulty of the classes, and the differences in class scheduling.The differences of students in high school and college begin with high school being a world where a person attends school with most of the same classmates that he or she has grown up with. No one has a true identity except the reputation or image that a person has built for themselves over the years. Most of the people in each grade are around the same age and live in the same community and are friends inside and outside of cla ss. College is usually a new world to students. Many students move to different parts of the country to attend college and move away from their friends and community.This gives each person an opportunity to create a new identity for his or herself and make new friends. Also, students in college are various ages including some right out of high school and some being older adults continuing their education later in life. A common theme in high school and college is bringing a group of students together to learn. Students are all attending classes to achieve a piece of paper that will help them in their future. Most students attend classes in high school and college because they want to be there, but the difficulty of the classes determines each student’s success.The difficulty of high school contrasted with college can be hard on students. Many high schools work to pass students through the various grade levels and onto graduation without the students having to work very hard t o complete tasks and assignments. On the contrary, college is a place where students must work to achieve their grades and pass classes. Professors expect students to complete tasks, homework, and exams to achieve a grade and pass the college class. Classes in college are usually harder on students because they require more work, studying, and dedication.Many students goof off and do not take high school classes seriously. Often students copy each other’s work and tests in high school, but college students must work hard to make sure that their work is individualized and not plagiarized. Some high schools do offer college level classes to students that are more difficult and prepare students for the difficulty of college courses. Each student determines how the difficult the class really is by taking the time to study and complete the work in both high school and college.One of the biggest differences between high school and college is the schedule. Both high school and colle ge offer schedules for students to sign up for. Students are able to take courses that interest them and will help them achieve a diploma or degree. In high school students become accustomed to a strict daily schedule. School begins and ends at the same time each day and classes are held during this time and each class is the same length. College classes are very different. Classes are spread throughout the week and each class can be a different length.Students must learn to take advantage of down time in between classes to study and complete assignments. On the contrary, in high school, students are given time during class and study periods to do work. The transition between a strict high school schedule into a more lenient college schedule can be very hard on many students. Many times the scheduling difference between high school and college is the reason why students to do excel their first year of college. Students were not taught how to plan and make good use of their time with the too strict high school schedule.Even though students in high school are given an opportunity to choose certain classes to take each semester, scheduling in the biggest difference there is between high school and college. In conclusion, high school and college are very different, but they do share a few similarities. High school prepares students for college, and college is a mature version of high school. The types of students, difficulty in classes, and differences in schedules can be very alike and very different in high school and college. Success in high school and college depends on the effort each student applies in accepting the similarities and differences.

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